Mittwoch, 27. Juni 2012
Here are 12 things you should never do in a love relationship...ever!
Successful couples continually fall in love with each other. They find new reasons to be in love with their partner and they always try to find new ways to surprise each other, with little gifts, handwritten love notes, poems, and even a surprise visit to their partner’s job with a nice meal, snack, or treat. Busy couples can also arrange to have some time alone together, every now and then, away from home obligations, family and friends...they can call it a “date night.”
Be sure that you don't let the petty day-to-day things ruin the feelings of love between the two of you. Love doesn't have to die after commitment. In fact, it should grow to ever increasing heights, on a regular basis. So, feel free to fall in love all over again....and again...and again. Always keep the marriage or partnership exciting. In fact, you have to keep life exciting, in general, otherwise it will simply be a bunch of Tuesday’s strung-together!
#2: Never stop having fun together!
There are so many ways that a couple can have fun together, and they should keep inventing new and exciting ways to have fun together. The more fun they have, the more they will enjoy each other’s company, and this will strengthen the relationship even more.
They should be able to enjoy time doing fun things with one another, and they should also give each other a little space, then they can each occasionally have fun with some of their friends, and while apart they will miss one another, so that after she has a night out with the girls, and he comes home from being out with the boys...they will be ecstatic to see one another.
#3: Never value being right over being loving!
Too many of us want to be right more than we want to be loving. We choose winning an argument over continually winning the heart of our loved one...and this is a big mistake. When you always or sometimes feel that you just have to be right, you are simultaneously making your partner wrong.
Don't engage in these types of conversations. Instead, you should always value your partner's opinion and then perhaps offer your opinion to them, but do not “shove it down their throat.” They are both opinions, so one is not more or less correct than the other.
They are simply two different perspectives. If you continue to make your partner feel wrong, or feel bad about thinking what they are thinking, then they will stop offering their opinion to you. That doesn't lead to anything good in terms of a healthy relationship.
#4: Never stop planning together for a wonderful future!
You might be planning for the kid's college, or what to name the children, or maybe you are making plans for the next family vacation. It could be a matter of planning for your own retirement or for a friend's upcoming birthday party. The key is to always keep planning together for a future, which includes each other.
When you make these plans together, you are creating common goals, hopes, and dreams that you will pursue as a unit, as a team, as a couple. This will seriously strengthen the bonds of the marriage or partnership, as well as the “friendship,” and it will create more “mutual admiration.”
Find something that you are both interested in doing, and work on it together. You are either growing closer together or further apart. Planning together helps to keep you growing together.
#5: Never stop being attractive for your partner!
Too many couples actually stop doing the things that led to the relationship in the first place. How sad is that? If you figured that once you were in a committed relationship that you could simply stop engaging in attractive behaviors, you were mistaken. Plus, that is a lousy attitude to have. Each person in the partnership expected the other person to continue to do and say all those wonderful things that they found so attractive in the first place.
So, keep flirting with each other. Wear some clothes that your partner finds you flattering in, and that may even excite your partner. Remind your partner how attractive they are to you, everyone likes compliments. Be playful, be thoughtful, and be loving. Make yourself irresistible to your partner...ALWAYS... and allow them to return the favor.
#6: Never go to bed angry at each other!
Even when couples disagree about things, or when they get into a heated debate, they should never let the anger consume them, or cause them to say and do things that will hurt the relationship. Nor should they say or do things, in anger, that they will regret later. They should also never introduce any type of physical violence into the relationship...ever...and under any circumstances.
A couple can disagree about something, and discuss it in a calm and meaningful way, but when it comes time for bed, they should heed the advice given in the bible... “never let the sun go down on your wrath.” Long and successful marriages will often cite that they never went to bed mad at each other, when asked what the secret was to their longevity
#7: Never embarrass your partner in public or in front of anyone!
Remember this simple rule: Always praise publicly and criticize privately. Although, you really should never criticize your partner about anything, ever. When the need arises to tell your partner something difficult, always remember to do so in the most humble, loving, respectful and honest way possible...and always do it in private! Never in front of kids, or family members, or even friends.
In public, tell everyone about how fantastic your partner is. Talk positively about the things about them that you like and appreciate the best. Positive attention is a reward of sorts, and what gets rewarded gets repeated. Your partner trusts you with their heart and emotional security. Don't ever publicly criticize your partner, and certainly never behind their back!
#8: Never say "always" or "never" when arguing!
Whenever we say that our partner always does something or never does something, we are certainly exaggerating. The discussion then turns to how the partner being accused must defend themselves against this blatant attack. The conversation then turns to how you always or never do something. The whole thing is actually childish, but it will escalate!
Just avoid all of this nonsense. When you partner does something that you don't appreciate, just say so, right then and there, but do it quietly and without anger or extreme emotions. Always be respectful, yet be honest and gentle. Don't pull in past issues that have nothing to do with the topic. Always avoid saying the words "always" and "never" at all costs. Focus on the event or the issue at hand only. Work together to decide how it should be handled next time. Then move on.
#9: Never use or withhold intimacy as a weapon!
Do you ever grant intimacy or take it away as a method of persuading your spouse to do what you want? If so, you are cheapening a relationship expression of love by making it a tool of negotiation...Huge Mistake!
Eventually, your partner may not want to express intimacy towards you or receive it from you because of the conditions attached to it. There should never be conditions on expressions of love, sex, affection, et cetera.
Stop using intimacy as a weapon. This is your partner, the person you are supposed to love until “death do us part.”
Affection, Love, Sex, and Intimacy should always come with no strings attached. It is a beautiful and loving expression that should never be used to manipulate your partner in any way.
#10: Never speak negatively about your partner to others!
So, your partner does something that you do not like, or that angers you. You tell your friends about it. You put them down behind their back...shame on you! Later on, you and your partner determine it was a simple misunderstanding. When you come back around your friends with your partner, what is their impression?
Are they seeing your partner in a different light? Do they have a full understanding that there was simply a miscommunication between you? We are quick to tell everyone about the bad, and very slow to tell them about the good. Be very careful with this. You could be ruining your partner's reputation even as you know them to be a great person. Avoid talking negatively about your partner.
Also, some people think less of a person who badmouths their spouse, and it is an indication of being immature and without manners or class.
#11: Never break your commitments to one another!
Your commitment to monogamy is extremely crucial; so don't go looking outside of the marriage or relationship, for what you already have at home. If you say you are going to do something, then do that very thing when and how you promised it to be done.
Your word has a lot of value to it, and that value diminishes each and every time you don't honor your commitments or your word. So, honor yourself and your partner by honoring your commitments. Do what you said you would do, each and every time. Your partner will appreciate you more for it.
#12: Never stop nurturing the relationship!
Constantly look for new and exciting ways to assist your partner. Always listen with the intent to understand as they talk to you about things that are important to them. Be present for all of your partner's major life moments.
That includes any illness, any major victories or accomplishments, any crushing defeats, and any family events...good or not so good.
Go out on dates with each other. Vacation together. Treasure warm conversation over a hot meal. Express love to each other in the way your partner needs to receive it. Be supportive at all times. Remember that the one you love and gave your heart to, is worthy of the very best from you. Share a rainy afternoon in your pj’s watching old movies and drinking hot cocoa with whipped cream.
In closing:
If you are making any of these mistakes, start to make a more conscious effort to put an end to them immediately. You'll be pleased at how much stronger your relationship will be. There is always time to turn a situation around, and to turn your life around. If you have been slowly drifting away from your partner, and for no particular reason, maybe it is time to realize how important they are to you, and start acting like it, and begin treating them better than you have. It is never too late to become more loving, giving, caring, and so forth. You Can Do Anything That You Make Up Your Mind To Do!
Rose Quartz Crystals are a wonderful stone to use, to balance the heart chakra, to mend a "broken heart," to attract the love of your life, or soul mate, to improve a marriage or partnership, and to improve the love, affection, and passion of a relationship. This is why we use the Rose Quartz Crystals in some of our products, and especially in the Love Inducing Rose Quartz Miracle Bag! This might also be something for you to try!
Dienstag, 26. Juni 2012
you purchased a template for your auction or buy it now listing at ebay
A good looking sale page gives the buyers good impression on your product and increases the chance that they will buy it from you.
It shows that you are a serious seller and like to pay attention and invest time in your selling activity.
But what to do now? how to use it?
Here are simple instructions for using html graphic templates in your sale page:
1. Open the text file that the template's seller sent you. It's a file that its name ends with .txt and it usually open in Notepad.
Before you start working on it, I recommend you to save a copy of the file by clicking on "Save as" in the file menu and give it another name, so in case you're making mistakes and mess up things, you can go back to the original file.
2. Select all the text by clicking on ctrl+a keys or by choosing "select all" in the edit menu or by right click and select "select all". Copy the text by clicking ctrl+c keys, or by choosing "copy" in the edit menu or by right click and select "copy".
3. Now the fun begins!
Go to your selling page on ebay and paste the text into "Describe the item you're selling" box. Paste it into the HTML display.
4. Choose the standard display. You can write your text in the text lines, change text color, fonts and size.
5. How to add an image?
To add an image you have to save and publish it at a hosting website.
You can do it for free at:
and many more. If you have your own website or a blog you can publish the image there.
After publishing the image at the hosting site, right click on it and select "copy image url".
Go to the ebay selling page and choose again the HTML display. Paste the image url into the text that says:
6. Go to the standard display and see if you like the appearance of the page. Click on preview to see well.
You can delete images, change fonts color, size, style and align to the left or to the center.
Hope I made it clear and simple to you!
I bought a HID light kit from Orangemika in December of 2011
Montag, 7. Mai 2012
This is by far my favourite notebook. I've had over a dozen computers
The Dell Latitude D630 exceeded all my expectations
First of all, the price was exceptionally low for the quality of the machine, the size of the hard drive, and the amount of RAM it came with. The laptop arrived quickly, securely packaged, and I received my first pleasant surprise when I extricated it from the layers of bubble wrap: the computer looked brand new. Once I opened it, this impression was confirmed: there were none of the typical signs of wear on any of the most vulnerable places (palm rests, space bar, et al.) to indicate that this computer had been "rode hard and put away wet." The second pleasant surprise came when I fired up the computer: it booted quickly, came up with a clean, uncluttered screen, and functioned perfectly from the start. When I checked the battery's charge, it showed a full charge of over 3 hours, of which I was admittedly skeptical; as it turned out, I had no reason to be.
As I began to load the software I would be using most frequently, I found that the battery included did indeed have a long useful working life. The Latitude came with its original-equipment charger, which fully recharges the battery in less than two hours. I have now logged well over two months' constant work on this machine, and I have yet to experience any reason for complaint. I am tempted to buy another one just like it and store it away until I need it; however, by that time, Dell will probably be producing Latitudes that run on anti-matter cells, so I guess I'll wait. Meanwhile, I couldn't be happier with the D630.
Oh, what do I dislike about the product? There's nothing negative I could say about the Latitude D630 that I couldn't also say about any other laptop by any other manufacturer: it doesn't have a 50-inch screen; the keyboard is in a weird place, requiring the user to type at a weird angle; it doesn't come pre-installed with the American Film Institute's Top 100 movies; and so far, it hasn't guaranteed the sale of any of my screenplays. Other than that, it's everything a laptop computer should be.
Donnerstag, 26. April 2012
What is vinyl and is it safe for the environment?
What is Vinyl?
Vinyl wall decals are not a natural substance but are a synthetic man-made material. It is a type of plastic that is made from ethylene (found in crude oil) and chlorine (found in regular salt). When processed, both the substances are combined to form Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) resin, or as is commonly referred to - Vinyl. Vinyl was first invented in 1920 by scientists who wanted to develop a material that would help to manufacture everyday products that were easier to make and more durable than what was available. Today, Vinyl has become the second largest manufactured and sold plastic resin in the entire world. Vinyl is a plastic material, which unlike other plastics, can easily be recycled. Because of the durability of vinyl, our wall decals have a long life span. Add to this the fact that the vinyl can then be recycled, translates into an even longer life of the vinyl plastic resin.
How eco-friendly are wall decals?
Vinyl is a very environment friendly material, not only because it can be recycled, but also for many other reasons. Vinyl helps in the preservation of environmental resources as 57% of vinyl is made from common salt, which is a renewable natural substance. Non-replenish able resources such as crude oil only account for 43% of vinyl resin, thus making it nature friendly. In comparison to various other materials used by the home decor industry, vinyl requires lesser amounts of natural resources to make, utilizes much lesser energy for manufacture, and also releases lower emissions into the environment. Thus vinyl wall decals, a synthetic manmade material, have truly revolutionized the entire home decor and wall art industry.
Mittwoch, 11. April 2012
This computer is WELL worth ATLEAST 700 bucks still today
If you are looking for a complete conversion to Mac only and will never have to connect anything to it such as a playstation, Wii, XBOX360 or any other PC (unless they have a thunderbolt connection, LOL) then forget this and opt for an older model.
Don't get me wrong, the performance is lighting fast, the beautiful LED screen is amazing and the software bundle it comes with is impressive, but for the money I'd have to say that Dell, Lenovo and HP have it all over the iMac 27 2011.
If they offer a new model in 2012, I'd like to see them regress and add some additional connections like HDMI to make it easier for the rest of the world to connect to it.